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Lawn aeration is more important in colder climates than warmer climates.

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Question: Lawn aeration is more important in colder climates than warmer climates.
Top Answer (63% of 66 votes): False.

Answer: False
Explanation: False. Lawn aeration is important in both colder and warmer climates. However, the timing and frequency of aeration may vary depending on the grass type and soil conditions prevalent in the specific climate. Aeration helps alleviate soil compaction and promotes healthier grass growth in any climate.
Green Top Lawn Care
Answer: False
Explanation: Lawn aeration should be done once per season to promote a healthy lawn. Whether the climate is cold or hot, your lawn needs to breath.
GrassHoppers Lawn Enforcement LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Maybe due to longer freeze time?
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: False
Explanation: All lawn can benefit from aeration regardless of were they are geographicalley located.
Coastal Care
Answer: False
Explanation: Does not really matter.
Walkers Green, Inc
Answer: False
Explanation: In both seasons it is important to aerate the lawn, in the warm season and cold season, always in order to enhance the healthy growth
Fidel Romero Landscape
Answer: False
Explanation: This can depend on the grass type.
MGP Smart Home Services
Answer: False
Explanation: more important in warmer climates
Newburgh Lawn & Landscape
Answer: True
Explanation: Need it more
EJs Lawncare
Answer: True
Explanation: Ground is usually more compact in cold climate areas
Diamond Cut Lawn & Landscape LLC
Answer: False
Explanation: Aeration is most important anywhere that lawns get compacted.
Good Natured by Design
Answer: False
Explanation: Lawn aeration is important in both climates.
Green Shark Lawn Care
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