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When should cool-season grasses be aerated?

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Question: When should cool-season grasses be aerated?
Top Answer (60% of 197 votes): Fall.

Answer: Winter
Explanation: After snow melts.
Sis-n-bra’z chop it off landscaping
Answer: Spring
Explanation: Cool-season grasses should be aerated in early spring or fall. These times coincide with their peak growing seasons, allowing the grass to recover quickly and fully utilize the benefits of aeration.
Green Top Lawn Care
Answer: Fall
Explanation: spring and fall
Williams Family
Answer: Spring
Explanation: This answer can actually be two, this service can be done in spring and or fall!
Gordon and Sons Services
Answer: Fall
Explanation: before the freeze so it has time to recover
CTB Landscaping
Answer: Spring
Explanation: Be for summer
Brent’s lawn maintenance
Answer: Spring
Explanation: Spring is the best time to aerate if you have cool-season grass.
GrassHoppers Lawn Enforcement LLC
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We are in North East Ohio we general aerated in the fall.
B- Sharp Property Maintenance
Answer: Spring
Explanation: or summer
Roots 'n Shoots LLC
Answer: Fall
Explanation: Also apply post emergent
Larry Pierce Lawn/Landscaping
Answer: Fall
Explanation: We recommend aerating twice a year in both Spring ( Mar – May ) and Fall ( Aug- Nov ) for most grass types. At a minimum aeration should be done at least once a year.
Selena's Landscape, Design & Tree Service, LLC
Answer: Fall
Explanation: Early summer is the time to aerate warm season lawns, when the grass is growing most rapidly. Aeration relieves compaction and allows air to reach the roots of your lawn. It is best to use a core aerator which actually removes small cores from your lawn.
Carolina Lawn Worx
Answer: Fall
Explanation: When it's cooler out. Time to heal
Mom's Cleaning LLC
Answer: Fall
Explanation: We like fall best it is when roots are active and crabgrass is dieing.
Coastal Care
Answer: Fall
Explanation: Cool season turf should be aerated and overseeding a minimum of once per year in the fall and early winter.
Walkers Green, Inc
Answer: Fall
Explanation: Cool-season turf emerges from summer dormancy in early fall, Time aeration to allow four weeks of growing time prior to frost.
Fidel Romero Landscape
Answer: Fall
Explanation: Late summer through the fall.
Salinas Lawn Services
Answer: Spring
Explanation: Early spring or late fall
Black Dirt Services LLC
Answer: Fall
Explanation: Spring or early to midlle of fall
Newburgh Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Spring
SmartScape Lawn & Landscape
Answer: Fall
Explanation: Traditional thinking has been that fall is the best season to aerate cool season turf, while spring is the season of choice for contractors working warm season turf. In reality, aeration can be beneficial when performed in either season, and that’s the key to integrating it into your service for your customers. Furthermore, in my travels to meet with landscape pros across the country, one thing I've found is that there isn't a region in the United States where overall turf quality doesn’t stand to improve with the adoption of an aeration program.
Marcells Tree Service
Answer: Spring
Explanation: Best to do when grass is fully green.
Rick and Rondas Landscapes
Answer: Fall
Explanation: I prefer to do in fall highly recommen seed starter fert and lime and sign up with fertilizer weed control program to keep yard green and weed free year round
EJs Lawncare
Answer: Spring
Explanation: The best time for aeration is during the growing season, when the grass can heal and fill in any open areas after soil plugs are removed. Ideally, aerate the lawn with cool season grass in the early spring or fall and those with warm season grass in the late spring.
Answer: Spring
Explanation: early spring or fall
Meticulous Lawn Care & Home Improvement
Answer: Fall
Explanation: I sugguest cool season turf be aerated in the spring and fall. In the spring it helps from winter snow pack. The fall aeration helps with summer stress.
PTL Landscaping & Maintenance, Inc.
Answer: Fall
Explanation: They are at there strongest in the fall
Ideal Lawns
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Not sure.
Culver Property Preservation
Answer: Spring
Explanation: It is best to aerate when turf is growing the most so roots will fill in the holes quickly.
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